Liquid Nitrogen Containers
Cryocan – Liquid Nitrogen Containers (0.5 to 55 Ltrs.) Double – walled non pressurized Aluminum container for storing liquid Nitrogen. Cryocans are mainly used to preserve bull semen under extremely cold temperature i.e -196°C in liquid Nitrogen. The bull semen thus preserved is used for artificial insemination in the Feig to get a better breed of cows for higher milk yield. Cryocans are also used for various other applications such as embryos & stem cells preservation by IVF clinics dermatology and shrink ftting, etc.It is our signature product and holds the major market share in the country.

Major Customers : State Animal Husbandry Departments and Livestock Development Boards Milk unions IVF clinics, laboratories Automobile industry, Defence, Engineering Industry.